Price: $49.99

    Item #: AUD1518CF7
    Availability: In stock
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    This tail boom component is suitable for static display purposes only!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How is this component used? It's used for static display when fitting a 600-class model helicopter model within a 700-class scale fuselage so that the tail rotor assembly will present in the proper location. Basically, it's for letting you install a smaller model into a larger representation of a full-scale helicopter for static display only.

    Why only static operations? Simple; it's because a rotor head designed for 600-class blades is subject to failure when fitted with more massive 700-class blades and operated dynamically. This is due to the mass of 700-class blades greatly exceed the loads for which a 600-class head is designed, whilst in dynamic operation.

    I've heard/read of people using this boom for scale models - in flight - while fitted with 600-class heads. Does this work? Sure, right up until it blows up! Huh? Remember, the fundamental purpose of this boom is to allow fitting the 600-class helicopter models like a Pantera into a 700-class scale fuselage for static purposes, e.g. for display use only. This isn't the same as operating it dynamically. Moreover, and quite honestly, we do not suggest to you, or anybody, that we believe this component is suitable for dynamic operation because we do not. This boom is offered for static use in display models only. We do not accept responsibility in whole or in part for any use. This boom is offered for static purposes only.

    What's wrong with using a rotor head designed for the mass of 600-class blades of about 140g with blades, with 700-class blades of significantly greater mass? What's wrong is more massive blades in dynamic operation may exceed the design parameters of the 600-class rotor head thus leading to main rotor head component failure. Such main rotor head failure may have tragic and/or disastrous consequences to you, spectators, pets, and/or property. The point is, you, spectators, or pets may die, be maimed and/or be horribly injured, and/or suffer property damage by operating a 600-class rotor head fitted with 700-class blades. Do not expect a 600-class rotor head to function safely when fitted with 700-class main rotor blades. Do not expect it to survive repeated use. Specifically; we are expressing telling you it won't. Don't use this boom for anything other than static display.

    At what point will a 600-class rotor head fitted with 700-class blades fail? We don't know.

    We have heard operation at reduced speeds like 1100RPM is safe, do you agree? No. We do not advocate operations at any RPM (revolutions per minute) because this component tail boom is offered for static display purposes only. We do not advocate, promote, suggest, nor in any way approve using this boom components for anything beyond static display. This tail boom is offered for display purposes only! Purchase implies express consent to use this tail boom for display purpose only. Purchaser agrees to hold us harmless of all claims for injury, damage, or loss of income. Purchaser accepts this tail boom is for static display use only.