All-metal versus all-steel, what gives?

by | Thursday, December 29, 2022 |
Is all-metal and all-steel the same?

Aluminum, brass, titanium, and steel are all metals - but - God in his infinite wisdom make them all different. Some are better than others for servo gears. As a rule, steel is the best. In this brief read you'll learn why!

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Amazon servo vs DS505s

by | Tuesday, August 2, 2022 |
Buy once, cry once, or buy cheap and really cry?

Many guys never learn the difference between price and value. In this brief look at two servos, one built to order for the lower end of the price scale, and the other built to the highest standard, you get the insider's perspective.

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Is titanium the best for gears?

by | Saturday, July 30, 2022 |
Shoping for servos can be tricky when pros are out to fool you you, so heads up!

Companies play dirty in our view by hiring world class psychologists to play their customers with sharp advertising and the canny use of words. Words express;y designed to evince emotions that may not be in the modeler's own interest. Be careful and above all else, trust your eyes!

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